We are a startup based out of Chennai and provide expert advice to entrepreneurs by connecting them with domain experts. We curate the experts and the problem statement as well that reaches the experts.
As we proceed in our mission to assist startups, I saw on Facebook that +Amit Misra, from Dazeinfo, had generously agreed to lend his time and knowledge to budding entrepreneurs. I leveraged the opportunity to get in touch with him and find out whether he would have the bandwidth to help startups through our platform. Quite willingly, we got on a call next morning and spent half an hour discussing about how we can improve our services instead of the main agenda - that was to have him onboard as an advisor. He has solid experience in Digital Content and Marketing and helped us realize how to use the existing platforms and tools to reach out to target users. He likes to stick to the basics and threw interesting perspectives about how small tweaks to the existing content can help a startup grow organically. I think, the added perspective that an experienced entrepreneur brings to your product, can make a huge difference. I have started up new and can take few years to develop that perspective, but I could gain that extra dimension of thought from my conversation with Amit.
Amit agreed to be an expert on Pracly and as the conversation ended, I realized an important problem, which successful entrepreneurs and experts face. Many of them are willing to share their wisdom with growing entrepreneurs, but there is so much noise in between that its difficult to understand whether someone will actually derive any value from their time. Many individuals struggle to comprehend their problem statement or want to just chit chat with these people to get some motivation. But that is not something for which, we can ask a really busy entrepreneur to take out time. I think its important to curate the problems that reach the experts, because they have limited time and people who could really use their help should be pushed up the funnel. That is where we hope to add value.