Yesterday, Meryl Streep the super talented actress, expressed her thoughts about inclusivity in US at Golden Globe awards, without naming names. This obviously did not go down very well with the president elect, who first thing in the morning responded to this via twitter without any subtlety but hitting straight back at her.
and what happened after that?
This obviously did not go down very well with the fans of Meryl Streep, who took to social media, defending Meryl Streep. Did it change anything? No. But it definitely resulted in all these followers wasting their productive hours over expressing their anger on social media. Many people who weren't super affected by this but generally follow social media spent time reading about it, and I on top of it wasted more time by writing a blog post about it :)
How does this help anyone? So many people investing their time in an activity which probably does not have any tangible outcome except probably increasing the popularity of the president elect a little bit more and keeping him in the news - how does it help anyone? How?
I am not sure how beneficial or damaging the next four years will be for the US and the rest of the world, but it seems that the next four years will generate a lot of negative energy and suck productive hours of the citizens of the world for nothing - which is not good for anyone.
I am not getting into the morals of what example are we setting for children who are just old enough to understand politics or who is right and who is wrong, but this ridiculous amount of negative energy released into the world is not going to help anyone. I don't think it's okay to hold our views and not express it, but I am not sure the way things are going, it is going to help many.
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